He is finally here...well Cannon is actually three months old, but we are finally getting him up on the blog. He was born April 29th and weighed 6 lbs 2 oz. He is an awesome baby- so easy going and tons of fun. I could spend hours watching him smile and listening to him "talk" to us. Kohler was not so sure about his little brother at first, but now he loves Cannon. Whenever we get ready to go somewhere Kohler will stand by Cannon's car seat as if to remind me not to forget him. When Cannon cries Kohler will rush to find the binky- even though half of the time the crying is due to Kohler removing the binky out of Cannon's mouth in the first place. I give it 10 months tops before they are best friends. I am so excited!

Coming home from the hospital!

2 months old!