Easter, like every other holiday (except your anniversary), is exponentially better with kids!
This clip does not do justice to Kohler's excitement for the easter egg hunt to start. He was putting all of his 26 pounds into getting out of Rhett's hold. Apparently we are bad parents because we just let Kohler run off to fend for himself while all of the other parents were helping their kids. Or maybe we are good parents because we rigorously trained him for the big day with at least ten practice egg hunts during the 2 days previous to the big event.
This movie does do justice to Cannon's excitement- once he got an egg in each hand he could have cared less about any of the other treats that conveniently surrounded him.
Oh my goodness your kids are so big! We really do need to get together sometime soon so I can see them in person. Glad you guys had a good easter!